In this corner site, the architect has found a unique
solution, rather than relying on the "bevelled angle" typical
of all in crossroads in Paris. A small square (such as the one realized
in La
Citadelle project)provides the setting for a dramatic interplay
of fractures, reflections and permeations of forms; above, the prow
of a ship appears to be suspended. The prow faces the Orient, like
all of the Arks (which are essentially Temples) in Mazzucconi’s
projects. The contrast to the rest of the composition seen here, as
in other works, expresses the anomaly and solitude of |
religious thought in the midst of a casual and often
superficial contemporary world. In a certain sense, this project is
a synthesis of themes developed by the architect in his Paris works:
the great stone wall (recalling the building at Avenue
Matignon), the sense of destruction (or the construction of a
new world), the Ark, the interplay of reflections, the delicate balance
between reality and illusion, and the co-existence of contradictory
elements in a dynamic harmony. As a whole, it is a language that expresses
the fusion of history, modernity, the future, reality and ideals.