B. |
LUTETIA projects for Paris and France by VITTORIO MAZZUCCONI |
The Canal area  (3/3) Nancy 1978 - 86 Urban Planning Competition Stanislas-Meurthe |
above: Façade of
the Ark on the Canal below: Perspective drawing of the Ark |
The Ark of the Canal ° This project proposed the construction of an auditorium for 3000 persons at the edge of the Canal. This would have been the true protagonist of the urban design composition, creating a great impact due not only to the power of its form but also to its contrast to the longitudinal course of the Canal. The basin area, which would magically reflect the building, would be enlarged to create a lively area of shops, open-air cafés, ecc., like the small harbour of a seaside village. ° The auditorium takes the form of a great Ark. The large window of its foyer is designed to recall the Cathedral of Nancy. Like in all of Mazzucconi’s projects (refer to Les Halles, the St-Germain-en-Laye, the New Agora of Athens) the Ark is the archetype of a profound spiritual meaning, tied to the idea of the temple and the sacred presence of a divine being or the soul of the city. |