

Course on Architecture and Urban Design

It will concern the same program of The Citadel Competition and will be open to students and graduates.
The works of the participants will be exhibited as the other ones, but hors concours .


All events will be publicised through appropriate channels. The collective exhibitions will be held from May to July 1999, together with the Seminar, the projections and related initiatives, in order to make it a major event in the city's life. The winning works will be presented to the Comune of Milan, with the intent of activating its cultural initiatives and the public acquisition of art works. The project will also be internationally publicised, by means of Internet and of direct information sent to all major architectural and art magazines. A bilingual Catalogue of the Workshop including a selection of the works submitted to the Competitions, and the contributions to the Seminar, will be published at the expenses of public and private Sponsors.


The Foundation

It is working in defence of an art concept, different to the one which prevails today: art as an expression of beauty, strength and destiny of the Soul and not only of the confusion which too often obscures it.
This commitment concerns also architecture, other forms of culture and the City, to which the Foundation attempts to give a contribution of study and creativity, coherently with its founder's ideas. If you wish to know more about them and to share the Foundation's activities, please do visit the other pages of our site.

Vittorio Mazzucconi
is an architect, city planner, painter and writer, who has dedicated his life to art and to the city, with projects and exhibits in New York, Paris, Athens, Florence, Milan etc.

Essential bibliography:
"The City in the Image and Resemblance of Man" ("The Milan book"), Hoepli 1967
"The Dawing City" (project for the new City Centre of Florence), Dedalo 1985.
"Vittorio Mazzucconi: the works of archtecture and painting" (Husher 1985)

    The Workshop is part of the programme:
which has been patronised in 1997 from:

Regione Lombardia
Provincia di Milano:
Comune di Milano