Among the various problems cited in the competition announcement, the
noise of traffic from the large boulevard bordering the projected park
was certainly important. Mazzucconi presented an original solution, rich
in meaning for the city. Having discovered that a portion ofthe ancient
city’s walls had been located in the area, he studied and revived
the idea of the walls, to be materialized in a new form, large enough
to contain guided trails, glasshouses and other functions dictated by
the competition. Another idea was on behalf of of the millions of animals
killed in the slaughterhouses previously existing on the site. Mazzucconi’s
project presented a memorial to remember these creatures, in the form
of the Arca
delle Halles (whose apocalyptic sense also reveals itself in this
analogy with the ark that Noah built to house all of the animals), once
again proposed for Paris and once again refused.