

Project for Milan and Lumbardy
The City In the Image and Resemblance of Man (4/6)
Piano urbanistico per Milano, 1967

Today's Milan is characterised by the feature that all the radii lead to a single point, the centre, which has continuously destroying itself under the pressure of the surrounding urban mass. On the contrary, Mazzucconi's project substitutes this idea of centre with a ring around which all the radial and concentric highway system orbits. This ring would coincide with the Spanish town-walls (also known as Bastioni), and  surround a void, corresponding to the entire city area just like it was until the end of the 19th century. Inside this void, it is possible to distinguish a central nucleus - the small and ancient city of Milan - surrounded by the Navigli (now covered over), while, all around, a ring-shaped park would extend and complete the present, limited civic parks, to the point that a green crown of separation would be formed between the City of the Navigli and the contemporary city beyond the Bastioni. In the latter, a grand architectonic scale would develop, with a front line of skyscrapers, in radical contrast to the minute scale of ancient Milan.

The City of Navigli

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the urban interventions of the 1800's and the 1900's, which basically dealed with the interstitial space between two parts of the historic centre. (Similarly to a seed that presents a space between the two cotyledons which compose it).  

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the project, which proposes:
° ° the restoration of the two cotyledons
° the liberation of the interstitial space, which will connect the Castle to the Ca' Granda. The rediscovery of the ancient Roman layout of Milan, with the Forum in the heart of the city. (see also the same basic idea in the Florence project of the Dawning City).